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Manage all your sensory and consumer data

FIZZ Data Manager is a free component of all FIZZ packages that allows you to manage and access all your sensory and consumer test data.

All your sensory and consumer data

The database in FIZZ stores all your sensory and consumer data:
  • In addition to these data, you can add as many customized fields as you want.
  • Flexible data input and viewing

    Fizz Data Manager provides efficient tools for data entry and viewing:
    • Your workspace can be totally customized to fit your business needs: add, remove or rename fields, apply specific sorting or filters ...
    • The FIZZ database is a standard open database. Existing data can be imported from various sources. It can also be connected to your business management software (ERP, LIMS, ...).

    Data mining

    Look at your data from all angles, and extract exactly the information you need, for example:
    • Get activity statistics: judges' participation, test distribution by project or client ...
    • Get data for specific time periods, follow changes over time: product scores or judge performance tracking ...
    • Select judges/consumers for new studies.
    • Combine results from different tests to analyse them together.

    All your sensory and consumer data

    The database in FIZZ stores all your sensory and consumer data:

    Questionnaire/test Type, project, client, location
    Samples and products Production date, location, batch, storage conditions and time, type, category, brand, related multimedia information (picture, video and sound recording)
    Judge data (panellists and consumers) Personal information: names, gender, birth date ...
    Contact data: address, phone numbers, e-mail ...
    Household: children, household members, pets ...
    Allergies/aversions, consumption and shopping habits ...
    Availability: days, hour ranges, available or not ...
    Judge group memberships ...
    All data collected during the tests Judge participation
    Samples tested
    All the actual answers collected
    Performance data Calculated judge performance indices from descriptive analysis profiles and discrimination tests